That time we became actually lost while driving to the Lost Creek Overlook Trailhead at Tims Ford Lake State Park.

I'm almost too embarrassed to admit how ridiculously bad my navigation skills can be while traveling in a vehicle. Whether I'm the pilot or co-pilot, we're going to have a few side adventures on our way to a destination, and that's a fact. Yet, time and time again, Fletcher, my partner of 20 years, still takes the trust fall with me as navigator.
Even with the correct coordinates, and Siri veritably shouting at me to MAKE A LEFT at the fork, there is a good chance my brain will not process the instructions in time. That's not to say that I'm a complete airhead. I'm actually great in a crisis and I can MacGyver just about anything, but if you need me to take you to the corner Piggly Wiggly, you're SOL, my friend.

Fast forward through an ironically lost hour of needless driving to the Lost Creek Trailhead:
The trail begins at the Tims Ford Lake Visitor Center, directly behind the Nature Center. This particular day was hot and muggy, but the temperature in the forest was noticeably cooler almost immediately upon entering the trail.

One of the first iconic sights you will encounter on this trail is a rusty old wrecked car. It's a mystery to me why or how this car's final resting place is at the top of a ravine. I have a lot of questions. If you know the story behind this car, please comment below or e-mail me. I really want to know!

Next on the trail is one of two suspension bridges. Note the weight capacity of six people at a time. I've been on suspension bridges before, but this one is a little unnerving. It shifts and swings and bounces as you walk, so be sure to have your cell phone and car keys zipped up in a pocket before stepping onto the bridge.

The trail map (available at the Visitor Center) says that there are two cable bridges. We only made it to one. Our sweet old girl doggo was beginning to pant and slow down not too far after the first bridge, so we turned around and took her back to the camper for a nap, but not before we saw some stunning views of the lake.

Maybe next time we go it'll be cooler and Ellie the adventure dog will be able to complete the entire trail. We're looking into getting a doggie backpack for her to rest and ride in when she gets tuckered out. It's hard watching her slow down knowing that a younger version of her would have gleefully hiked this trail, topping it off with zoomies around or campsite afterwards.

If you don't know where the entrance to Tims Ford Lake State Park is, you can find the location by putting this address into Google Maps:
570 Tims Ford Drive, Winchester, TN
Speaking from experience, Do NOT put Lost Creek Overlook Trailhead into Google Maps. It will take you clear in the opposite direction.
The above address will take you well into Tims Ford State Park. Stop following the directions once you get to the Visitor Center, otherwise it'll take you to the marina (we also know this from experience).
The trailhead is clearly marked behind the Nature Center, which is next to the Visitor Center and visible from the road.
As always, pre-download your maps before you leave home. There is little to no reception once you're in the park.
I hope this information is helpful and finds you well!
Carpe Diem, my friend!
Melissa Anne